Our fashion design courses can teach you the technology behind industry-current design techniques. Such modern skills can give you an edge in the ultra-competitive fashion design industry. Our students want more than just a job. They’re looking for successful fashion careers. Feel the same way? Then BICA’s fashion design courses are for you!
- Fashion Coordinators
- Sampling Coordinators
- Design Coordinators
- Fashion Designer
- Freelance Designer
- Fashion Consultant
- Fashion Choreographer
- Cutting Assistant
- Sketcher
- Stylist
- Faculty in fashion institute
- Entrepreneurship
- Boutique Business
Diploma in Fashion Design (DFD) -One Year (2 Semesters)
- Basic Concepts of fashion design
- COLOR & Surface Ornamentation
- Illustration & Sketching- Female
- Pattern Making & Drafting- Female & kids
- Garment Construction- Female & Kids
- Creative Design Theory and application
- Computer Aid Design
- Embroidery
- Sampling & Fabric Studies
- Textile Printing
- Market Survey
- Project Work
Advance Diploma in Fashion Design (ADFD) -2 Years (DFD+ 2 Semesters)
- Advance Concepts of fashion design
- Apparel Merchandising & Production
- Illustration & Sketching- Male
- Pattern Making & Drafting- Male
- Garment Construction- Male
- Textile design in fashion
- Computer Aid Design
- Traditional Embroidery
- Designer Garments
- Market Survey
- Project Work
B.A./B.Sc in Fashion Design(BSFD) -3 Years (ADFD + 2 Semesters)
- World Art & Costume Portfolio
- Marketing & export Merchandising
- Portfolio Projects & Project Works
- Design Collection
- Accessories & Ornamentation
- Computer Aid Design
- Consumer demand analysis & Prediction
- Fashion Merchandising
- Visits / Exhibitions, Work Shops
- Theme Study (For Fashion Show),
- Final Term Research Project
MBA(Fashion Technology Management) 2 Years
- Principles of management
- Human Resources Management
- Principles of Economic
- Financial Management
- Accounting and Financial Analysis
- Business Law
- Organizational Behavior
- Computer Fundamental
- Apparel Manufacturing Technology
- Apparel Marketing Merchandising
- Fabric Production and Processing
- Fashion General Theory
- Theme Study (For Fashion Show),
- Final Term Research Project
Certificate course in Fashion Design (CFD)- Six Months
- Basic Concepts of fashion design
- COLOR & Surface Ornamentation
- Creative Design Theory and application
- Embroidery
- Computer Aid Design
- Sampling & Fabric Studies
FASHION DESIGNERS create clothing and accessory designs. They may plan the production and marketing of their creations. Designers specialize in one type of garment or accessory such as men’s or women’s wear, children’s garments, swimwear, lingerie, handbags, or shoes. Some high-fashion Designers are self-employed and design for individual clients. They make fashion news by establishing the silhouette, colors, and kinds of materials that will be worn each season. Other self-employed, high-fashion Designers cater to specialty stores or high-fashion department stores. They design original garments as well as follow the established fashion trends. Designers who work for apparel manufacturers do less original work; they adapt fashions set by other Designers for the mass market.
Designers’ Assistants in apparel manufacturing are exposed to the fast pace of production schedules while performing routine aspects of the job. Assistant Designers acquire the knowledge of what creations will sell at a profit in an intended market, within a defined price range, at a particular time of the year. They learn the personality of firms, types of stores that buy the merchandise, and the age and tastes of the stores’ clientele.
Fashion Designers perform the following tasks:
- Sketch their ideas.
- Draw and cut patterns to create sample garments.
- Select fabric and trimmings.
- Combine basic dressmaking and tailoring principles with flat pattern work and draping techniques.
- Fit and modify the finished garment.
- Arrange showings for press and buyers when the sample garment line is ready.
- Compare merchandise with those of the competitors.
- Keep current on trends by reading trade magazines and attending fashion shows.
- Visit textile showrooms to keep up to date on latest fabrics.
Fashion Designers frequently use the following skills, knowledge, and abilities:
- Design – Knowledge of design techniques, principles, tools and instruments involved in the production and use of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
- Idea Generation – Generating a number of different approaches to problems.
- Active Learning – Working with new material or information to grasp its implications.
- Operations Analysis – Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a design.
- Originality – The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem.
- Visioning – Developing an image of how a system should work under ideal conditions.
- Coordination – Adjusting actions in relation to others’ actions.
Procedure for Admission
Admission Throw Entrance test/ personal interview
Admission Time
Twice in year
- From April to Aug For July Session
- From Oct to Jan for Dec Session
- Download admission form
- Download Prospectus